Groups of 15 people or more are welcome
Please phone or email to make a date and time.
Garden entry:
$10 per person groups 15-20
$8 per person groups 21+
Guided tour by Jan included
Morning or afternoon tea from
$12 per person
BYO lunch or morning tea
We supply tables, chairs & urn
$2 per person
with tea/coffee station
$3 per person
The garden is 95% wheel chair friendly
Orchids and plants available for purchase
20 seater coaches can drive into the property
Larger coaches can park at gate and visitors with disabilities can be ‘ferried’ by car up and down the drive
Toilet and facilities available
The many paths reveal an eclectic mix of flora in temperate and sub-tropical planting.
There are many seating areas, allowing the visitor to enjoy the vistas of the garden and surrounding hills
sit and enjoy a cuppa on the verandah and enjoy the ambience of the garden and surrounding bush

Since purchasing our property in 1980 the gardens have grown from a horse paddock with a few palms and existing gum trees on the original 6 acres to flowing lawns and borders. COUCALS is a rambling country garden that changes with the seasons.
Filled with an eclectic mix of plants there is always something of interest to enjoy. Winter colours are pink dombeyas from Madagascar, white tree daisies from Mexico and euphorbias with their vivid bracts. Old fashioned roses offer a variety of colours and the flower spikes of aloes and knifofias stand tall in oranges and reds which are much loved by the birds.
Spring is signaled by the wisterias and soft cane dendrobiums in whites and pinks followed by a succession of bulbs, starting with Hippeastrums, Cliveas and the more unusual. Daisies add a freshness to the garden clothed in whites, pinks and yellows. Shrubs of Salvias, Eranthemums and Eupatoriums soften the borders with a blue haze as does the Jacaranda trees.
Summer heralds Poinciana trees clothed in vibrant red, yellow Cassias, blue Agapanthus, more roses, day lilies, and blue and white agapanthus. Heliconias and gingers add a tropical feel with the bromeliads adding more drama with calatheas and cannas enjoying the heat.
By autumn the borders are burgeoning with a mix of perennials like chrysanthemums, salvias, and perfume fills the air. Dahlias enhance the scene with more colour and are joined by bulbs of golden Lycoris and orange gladioli. Grasses add movement to the scene while pelargoniums with their Mediterranean cousins enjoy the cooler nights and days.
Let nature be your guide