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Thunia Alba is a tall attractive deciduous terrestrial orchid with 30 to 60 centimetre long canes which are the pseudo bulbs.  These are covered with lanceolate bluish-green thin 7 centimetre long  leaves. 

Spikes emerge at the top of the stems on maturing new growths quickly producing a dense cluster of large very attractive Cattleya-like blooms, sepals and petals are pure white, large tubular white lip has a crisp flare and is heavily marked with yellow and orange venation in the centre.  The flowers which appear in December  are 7 - 10 centimetres across and long lasting.

Thunia is terrestrial and lithophytic but is easily grown in a terracotta pot in orchid bark.  It is quick growing and does prefer shade but good light. Thunia’s flower on new growth in the warmer months and completely loses all its leaves in autumn and then becomes dormant during the winter months when watering should be minimal. The stems form a thin skin and shrivel a little.   As the weather warms you will notice the canes fattening and greening up.

The old bare stems can be cut off and used for propagating new plants.  In summer, cut a stem and place it on a bed of sphagnum moss and keep it just moist. 
Old canes will also sprout keikies at the end of the stems on mature plants.

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